Dedication. Loyalty. Respect.

Personalized Estate Planning And Diligent Probate Counsel

If you have loved ones, plan adequately for their future. While creating a will is often a task we avoid — thinking it is too soon or just putting it aside for another day — once you establish the distribution of your estate, you can be at peace knowing that your loved ones are protected.

Experienced Guidance Through Wills And Probate

Located in Tucson, Arizona, Whitehill Law Offices, P.C., has represented clients in the biggest small town in America for more than a quarter-century. Wise and savvy, Mr. Whitehill prides himself on providing exceptional legal counsel at a reasonable rate.

While many lawyers can draft a will, Mr. Whitehill thoughtfully advises you as you go through the drafting process. The goal is to honor your wishes and eliminate possible will contests or litigation.

In addition, Mr. Whitehill’s sound advice and legal acumen have earned him the dedicated trust of his clients — after drafting their wills, most clients return to Mr. Whitehill for other legal counsel. Whitehill Law provides wills, trusts and powers of attorney, as well as probate services.

Choosing A Personal Representative

When you choose a personal representative or agent, whether for end-of-life decisions or handling your estate, it is imperative that you have someone you can trust. Often, children or other close relatives are chosen.

These choices are good, as the people close to you generally know your wishes. Being a personal representative or agent, however, can be time-consuming and if you are not aware of the legal intricacies involved, it can be quite costly as well.

At Whitehill Law, we have extensive probate experience — our familiarity with court procedures allows your case to progress quickly, settling the estate promptly.

Contact Us To Discuss Your Options

If you are looking for estate planning and probate legal counsel, contact us online or call 520-314-8779. We look forward to working with you. If you are a business owner, we can help determine how to best protect your company’s long-term success within your estate plan.